Road ID

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Running With Fire

     Sometimes I wonder what motivates me and others to run.  I know personally I enjoy the solitude of the run, but feed off of the ever now and again support of friends, neighbors, and curious on-lookers.  I recently had a chance to experience all three.

     It was a few minutes till 3pm on Friday, May 18th as me and four co-workers took the first steps towards a 10 plus mile run for to support the North Carolina Special Olympics.  With lots of energy, IPOD ear buds in place, and a Highway Patrol Car escort (and Suburban Sag Wagon in the rear) we began our trek towards Statesville City limits.   I guess we really continued a route that stretches across North Carolina and eventually ends in Raleigh where the Special Olympics is rallied.  Even though I was running along side my co-workers, I still enjoyed the individual challenge and release this run provided.  We chatted some as we handed the Special Olympics' torch between us, all the while we were getting waves and thumbs up by passers-by. 

     For the most part, the run was good until I hit my proverbial "energy wall" at mile 8.  I fueled with a Cliff Bar and washed it down with water/electrolyte drink mix before the run.  I thought it would get me through, but realized towards the end of our run that I was reaching the bottom of my fuel tank.  As we handed off the torch to three Statesville Police Department Officers at their city limits, I retreated to the sag-wagon until we neared the last mile.  As my feet hit the pavement to join the closure of the run as we approached the rally point (Sheetz Service Station), I felt brief soreness in my feet and then I think they went numb again.  Shortly after my exit, I helped the Statesville officers light the torch and he ran it in.

     I must say alot of my motivation for this run was the "run challenge" itself, a training opportunity for my November half-marathon (My 1st one), as well as trying to lead by example to the troopers I supervise.  However, as I reflect on the true reason for the run, I want to express my thankfulness for my family's health and wellness in comparison to the very Special boys, girls, men & women that make up the Special Olympic participants.  Their victories and accomplishments through the Special Olympics and LIFE are far greater than any accomplishment or victory I will ever experience. 

1 comment:

  1. A great cause, and many fine reasons to keep enjoying the running lifestyle Kelly!
